Brian Boswells Circus in South Africa

Brian Boswells Circus

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Owner -: Jane Boswell
1982: Brian Boswell
1911-1963: James Clements Boswell
1963-2002: African Theatres (Boswell-Wilkies Circus)
Address PO Box 36, Umlaas Road
Zip-code 3730
Place Kwa-Zulu Natal
Country South Africa
Website Website


Key People 1993-: Patricia White (animal trainer)


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Record history
History of updates2022-04-18

Latest document update2022-04-18 06:20:08
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Brian Boswells Circus, located at PO Box 36, Umlaas Road, in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa , was founded in 1982.

Living elephants

At the Brian Boswells Circus lives 2 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Tembi born 1982-00-00
  2. Wankie born 1982-00-00

Comments / picturesJames Boswell, born 1826, performed as a clown and horseman in circuses in United Kingdom and died 1859 in Paris.
His eldest son James Clements Boswell opened his own circus, Boswell Circus, in 1882 in Yorkshire.
In 1911 they toured South Africa and decided to stay and set up a local circus.
1912: Named the Boswells Royal Hippodrome and Circus Company
1916: became know as Boswell Brothers Circus and Menagerie
1963: The circus was sold out to new owners, African Theatres, who merged with W H Wilkies Great Continental Circus as Boswell-Wilkies Circus.
1964: James Boswells son Brian Boswell acted as adviser for Chipperfields Circus on their 1964 tour, and married one of the Chipperfield family, Jane Stockley.
1982: The film "Jungle Paradise" was filmed entirely at the Lion Park. Brian had recently taken over five Asian elephants from Wilkie, and these were used for the movie.
1982: Brian Boswell opened his own circus, Brian Boswells Circus, but Wilkie was seeking to restrain them from using the name
Boswell on their circus publicity material. The courts granted this, and Brian Boswell had to tour under the name Brians Circus.
1982: Brian Boswell also bought Natal Zoological gardens in KwaZulu Natal.
2002: After Boswell-Wilkie circus finally closed, the circus could travel under the name Brian Boswells Circus.
2016-12-09: Circus owner, Brian Boswell, is challenging the legality of elephant protection laws after his attempt to sell African elephants to a zoo in the United Arab Emirates was blocked by wildlife authorities. Boswell has refused to accept the denial of a permit application to send five circus trained elephants to a Dubai zoo at the selling price of R3 million each.

References for records about Brian Boswells Circus

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Brian Boswells Circus, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

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